WASABI 蘿蔔糕食譜 Wasabi03/03/2015, 10:56 pm03/03/2015 6 6695 新年我最鍾意食蘿蔔糕。 今年係我第一次按照我婆婆嘅做法去整。 多謝我媽咪幫手寫食譜! 希望大家都可以整到好味嘅蘿蔔糕啦! Previous Article【人間有情】 士兵思家Next ArticleLAPUTA天空之城 – 搖控飛機的航拍之旅
Hi Wasabi, I’m interested for the event on 9/1,2 & 3, 2017, which cost $300/person. Please provide me with the information of how to buy the tickets. Thanks Reply
Hi Wasabi, Can you give me the contact of Adam. I am interested in his catering service. Thanks! Reply
HI DC His cell phone number is 6266766264, remember to mention to him that you are 1430 listener, and he will take good care of you. Reply
Can u let us know the restaurant in Santa Monica n the Singaporean restaurant u hv mentioned ! Thx Reply
Hi Wasabi,
I’m interested for the event on 9/1,2 & 3, 2017, which cost $300/person. Please provide me with the information of how to buy the tickets. Thanks
Hi May
Hi Wasabi,
Can you give me the contact of Adam. I am interested in his catering service. Thanks!
His cell phone number is 6266766264, remember to mention to him that you are 1430 listener, and he will take good care of you.
Can u let us know the restaurant in Santa Monica n the Singaporean restaurant u hv mentioned !
Hi Ed