Hi, Wasabi: Love you program. Just heard that you have been making MaLaiGo (Malay Cake). I tried different recipes but was unable to do it right. Pls share your recipe and tips. Thanks!
經偉 try the sinus rinse for your allergy. It works for my family. I use the “NeilMed Sinus Rinse”. You can find it in any drug stores or even Costco. Hope it helps
Hi Wasabi, you guys are right, we live in NYC, this pass Monday we try to to 添好運 for early dinner before 6pm the waiting time is 2hr. So we try to go to the ippudo ramen nearby is the same 1.5hr wait. This is crazy.
NY fans.
Jim Chai Kee – 270 W Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3Y9
Phoenix Restaurant – 1 Raymerville Dr, Markham, ON L3P, 5J5
Fishman Lobster clubhouse Restaurant – 680 Silver Star Blvd, Toronto, ON M1V, 4S5
Hi Wasabi,
I live in Walnut/Diamond Bar area. Is there any good Thai restaurant in this area? Also, I think you mentioned there’s an Indonesian restaurant in this area. Where is it?
I just found out a few days ago too!! How sad!! My friends told me that they will look for a new location and resume the business. Once I find out where it is I will update you!
for White sauce (For pasta), just cooked the pasta, put it on a cooking pan, add heavy cream, butter, plus any herbs that you like, add some salt to taste and at the end you may also add some black pepper to enhance the aroma. It is super easy to make.
Going to Vancouver BC in the coming weeks, and I already doing some research on where to go and eat around the city. But, I would like to hear your recommendation on must see or eat places found in Vancouver. Anyway, during my research about where to eat in Vancouver, I found this foodie blog by Mijune Pak, followmefoodie. No affiliation whatever, just share some info on what I found, thanks!
I totally forgot where else I ate there. Just explore the Chinese food area and you will find very good Cantonese seafood or dim sum at the local restaurants.
Last week you mentioned you have post the recipe of Chef James Garlic noodle in this website. But I couldn’t find it. Would you mind post it again or give me a link to locate the recipe?
4oz butter
1Tb Garlic, minced
1Tb Onion, minced
1Tb Oyster Sauce
1ts Fish Sauce
1ts fresh crack Pepper
1Tb Pasta Water
in sauce pan put 1st 3 ingredients and turn on low/med heat to melt butter n’ infuse garlic & onion. once onion is cooked (transluscent). add the next 3 ingredients. whisk to combine sauce.
add cooked pasta to sauce & pasta water and toss. season with salt/pepper as necessary
adding grated cheese is optional. suggested cheese would be pecorino or parmasan
Hi Wasabi ! Can I have the address 京偉mentioned 日式炸雞 in what market ,and the拉麵 restaurant in Orange County you mentioned very good 炸雞,can I have both thank you.
I’m very interested in the organic juice/ $5 acai bowl place near Cal State Fullerton you mentioned today. Would you please share the name? Thank you very much!
Yes, I been there like…..at least 6 to 7 years ago. The portion is very small (everything is pretty much bite size) so you probably need at least 10-12 items per person to get full (depends if you are small or big eater)
I haven’t explored 份子料理 for a long time so can’t give you any recommendations. Update me if you explore any good ones.
I ordered Slow Roasted Lamb Neck, Cavatelli alla Vaccinera (pork sausage pasta), Maltagliati al Sugo di Anatra Affumicato (duck pasta), and Valrhona Fair Trade Bittersweet Chocolate Budino Tart (dessert). There were only two of us and we ate them all. We like all of them. I almost ordered octopus appetizer but I changed my mind. Next time I’ll ordered that. Thanks for your reply!
Wow you did ate a lot!! Next time you should try the mussels and clams, that’s really amazing too!
The chocolate budino tart is their most popular dessert, i love it too!
If you like pasta, you should try Macaroni Republic in DTLA, that’s my favorite pasta place especially their black and white pasta, I am sure you will like that.
Thank you so much for the correction!!! And I am glad you enjoyed the show!
They just relocate to a different location, so please contact them for the most updated information. I also suggest to confirm the per person price before you make the reservation.
Hi Wasabi!
A couple years ago I heard you talk on the radio about a recipe on beef tongue marinated with red wine. I was wondering if you still had the recipe and could share with me? Thanks!!!
Hi Wasabi, 你好, 想查詢有關菠蘿包及雞尾包嘅做法和成份. 我是用手差的方法. 謝謝
Hi Wasabi, can you share your pineapple bun recipe?
Wasabi, 8/11/2020 Can you share the name of the Japanese restaurant during your show today, the 2 stars Michelin.
Hi Wasabi, 我想買架麵包機,但我想請問麵包機可否祗做打麵團和第一次發酵部份呢?然後我再取出做其他形狀的麵包啊? 期待妳的回復‧ 謝謝………………….Bernard.
Hi, Wasabi: Love you program. Just heard that you have been making MaLaiGo (Malay Cake). I tried different recipes but was unable to do it right. Pls share your recipe and tips. Thanks!
Smorgasburg Market DTLA
Hi. Wasabi我想要你今天介绍的韩国猪颈骨煲餐厅..Thank you.
Hi Angela
經偉 try the sinus rinse for your allergy. It works for my family. I use the “NeilMed Sinus Rinse”. You can find it in any drug stores or even Costco. Hope it helps
Thank you so much
Hi Wasabi, you guys are right, we live in NYC, this pass Monday we try to to 添好運 for early dinner before 6pm the waiting time is 2hr. So we try to go to the ippudo ramen nearby is the same 1.5hr wait. This is crazy.
NY fans.
Hi Mike
My friend was in line for over 2 hours just to eat at 添好運. I will never spend the time just wait in line for food!!
經偉has mention a French Dip Sandwich in DTLA and Seafood place in Redonald Beach where he will bring his visitors.
hi Lydia
Hi Wasabi,
What is the name & address of the Thai restaurant in West Hollywood that serves Hainan Chicken rice & also breakfast?
Thanks much!
Hi Wasabi
請提供海南鷄飯及臺灣餐館的店名及地址, 謝謝
Great talk show!
What’s the name of the Taiwanese restaurant (s) u hv mentioned on Thursday 23 ?
Hi Gary
Can you tell me the restaurant name and location (Laguna Beach) that you mentioned on 03/16/2017?
Hi Rick
Hi Don
Hi,Wasabi, could you please tell me the restaurants near the beach your shared on 3/16/2017. Thank you.
Hi Alex
請給東區台灣人剛開的omakase style日式燒烤地址。謝謝Wasabi.
Hi, Wasabi,
Can you tell me the Indonesia restaurant name and location (Walnut) that you mentioned on 02/20/2017?
Wasabi, can u tell me the name of the Korean dumpling restaurant you mentioned yesterday on the show 02_01_17, thanks
Hi David
I really want to try the filipino placed near Chinatown you mentioned in on the your show. Thanks
I am sorry about my last request…It is NOT a Filipino restaurant, it is a Thai restaurant close to Chinatown..Thanks
Hi, 你之前经常说的uni pasta是哪一家?需要订位吗?
That’s the Bestia in Downtown L.A. And yes, you need reservation!!
WASABI,你搞錯了,李錦聯 是 *現時* TVB教煮餸的人,並不是多年前的。他是男的,不是你所説的”李太”。
這是Wikipedia 李錦聯 的簡介,他現年才56歲,每個星期都在都市閒情出現:
Thank you!
Hello, i am looking for the korean barbecue restaurant you guys were talking about on air right now. can you please tell me which restaurant it is?
thank you, Willie
HI Willie
your co host is pretty humor, I love it.
Thank you John!
Hi Wasabi,
Few weeks ago you have mentioned a restaurant inside a hotel in Newport Coast, can you tell me the name of the restaurant and the hotel? Thank you!
That’s the Pelican Hill resort. And I dine at the Pelican grill restaurant.
Ms. Wasabi:
Love our talk show !
Your co host is not doing a good job ! He should synchronize with you instead of providing incorrect info !
He should really work on his pronunciations, extremely unprofessional……
Please forward my 50 cent opinon to him , will definitely benefit him !
Thank you for your feedback
請您講節目時候别用英文單字. 要就講全廣東話或全英文. 我們聽起來比較舒服.
Thank you for your feedback!
Hi Wasabi,
Would you please share the name of the Korean icecream place in Chino Hill that you mentioned on 7/14/16? Thanks and have a great weekend.
HI Linh
That’s a Korean shaved ice dessert place. It is called the snowy village and the address is 3330 Grand Ave, Chino Hills.
Hi LIn
Jim Chai Kee – 270 W Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3Y9
Phoenix Restaurant – 1 Raymerville Dr, Markham, ON L3P, 5J5
Fishman Lobster clubhouse Restaurant – 680 Silver Star Blvd, Toronto, ON M1V, 4S5
Wasabi, 麻煩妳請經偉最好唔好講英文,因為佢啲英文發音好唔正,又成日拋書包,好難頂!
Thank you for your feedback!
Hi will you please share the name of the restaurant in Huntingtion Beach you talk about 06-03-16 Friday
Hi Winnie
Here is the info
Hi Wasabi,
I live in Walnut/Diamond Bar area. Is there any good Thai restaurant in this area? Also, I think you mentioned there’s an Indonesian restaurant in this area. Where is it?
This is the Indonesian restaurant info
I have not explored much about Thai food in the area yet. I still think the best Thai food is in Thai town/Hollywood area
Wasabi,每星期最期待聽無限Food 頻。可以軽鬆一下。剛才在YouTube 的留言連不上請給我買各種薯片民買香港及台灣東西網站。謝謝
請問幾星期前你和經偉提過 san gabriel 和 walnut 可以買到新鮮豆腐,豆腐布甸的地方和地址,謝謝~!
Hi Winnie
This is the Walnut one http://www.yelp.com/biz/chung-seng-food-manufacturer-walnut?osq=tofu
多謝你呀!而san gabriel嘅豆腐舖係…
Chung Seng tofu closed
HI Elsa
I just found out a few days ago too!! How sad!! My friends told me that they will look for a new location and resume the business. Once I find out where it is I will update you!
Can I have the San Gabril one address?
HI Gary
That’s the Sate House in Walnut
How can make white sauce and cream mashroom soup
HI Benny
份量: 二至三人
1. 先預熱一個中型的湯鍋,加入三茶匙油,把切好的蘑菇加入鍋中用中火煮,再加入四分一茶匙的鹽。輕輕用鏟攪拌。蘑菇會出水,讓蘑菇煮大約十分鐘或者直到鍋中的水完全蒸發和蘑菇顏色開始變深黃色
2. 之後加入洋蔥和蒜再煮五分鐘
3. 加入麵粉攪拌好再煮大約兩分鐘,讓麵粉輕輕煮至深黃色
4. 加上雞湯和兩杯水攪拌好
5. 煮熱之後關火,先把大約一茶匙的蘑菇選出來作裝飾,準備攪拌機,把所有材料打至糊
6. 再加入牛奶開火煮熱,鹽和黑胡椒調味之後便大功告成!
for White sauce (For pasta), just cooked the pasta, put it on a cooking pan, add heavy cream, butter, plus any herbs that you like, add some salt to taste and at the end you may also add some black pepper to enhance the aroma. It is super easy to make.
Going to Vancouver BC in the coming weeks, and I already doing some research on where to go and eat around the city. But, I would like to hear your recommendation on must see or eat places found in Vancouver. Anyway, during my research about where to eat in Vancouver, I found this foodie blog by Mijune Pak, followmefoodie. No affiliation whatever, just share some info on what I found, thanks!
This is one of the more popular Hong Kong style cafe in Vancouver
I totally forgot where else I ate there. Just explore the Chinese food area and you will find very good Cantonese seafood or dim sum at the local restaurants.
Hi Wasabi,
Last week you mentioned you have post the recipe of Chef James Garlic noodle in this website. But I couldn’t find it. Would you mind post it again or give me a link to locate the recipe?
4oz butter
1Tb Garlic, minced
1Tb Onion, minced
1Tb Oyster Sauce
1ts Fish Sauce
1ts fresh crack Pepper
1Tb Pasta Water
in sauce pan put 1st 3 ingredients and turn on low/med heat to melt butter n’ infuse garlic & onion. once onion is cooked (transluscent). add the next 3 ingredients. whisk to combine sauce.
add cooked pasta to sauce & pasta water and toss. season with salt/pepper as necessary
adding grated cheese is optional. suggested cheese would be pecorino or parmasan
Hi wasabi ! Can I have the address 經偉mentioned 日式炸雞in what market and the拉麵 restaurant in orange county I want both restaurant thanks .
what is the restaurant that you talking on Mar 24.in Irvine? Thanks
Hi Cindy
This is the one http://www.yelp.com/biz/north-italia-irvine
Which movie you guys talk about today earlier about Southern California a lots of famous restaurants n still showing now ? Thanks
it is called the “City of Gold”
Hi Wasabi ! Can I have the address 京偉mentioned 日式炸雞 in what market ,and the拉麵 restaurant in Orange County you mentioned very good 炸雞,can I have both thank you.
Wasabi, what is the restaurant you introduced today about Japanese ramen fried chicken?
Hi Yi
The ramen is not as good as the one in Tokyo, but the fried chicken pieces was delicious!
Hi Wasabi,
Can l have the name of the Italian restaurant that you mentioned on 3/8/62016 Tuesday.
Hi Mike
That’s the Colori Kitchen
Thank you very much!
What is the nane of the restaurant that you mentioned in Vegas have 10 course at $29.99
Dear Wasabi,
I’m very interested in the organic juice/ $5 acai bowl place near Cal State Fullerton you mentioned today. Would you please share the name? Thank you very much!
Hi Elize
That’s the monkey business cafe
Thank you Wasabi!
Wasabi, 可不可以跟我说 fullerton 日式炸猪扒的地址? 谢谢
Hi Yi
Please share your guest’s, James, recommended restaurants.
Thank you,
Hi Lydia
This is the Korean dumpling restaurant he likes
hello what is Chef James’s youtube channel?
Hi Mandy
There are so many brands and models. You can see the following links for reference
hi Wasabi,
Have you ever been The Bazaar by José Andrés? I’m looking for 份子料理 restaurant, can you recommend any nice one please.
Hi Windy
Yes, I been there like…..at least 6 to 7 years ago. The portion is very small (everything is pretty much bite size) so you probably need at least 10-12 items per person to get full (depends if you are small or big eater)
I haven’t explored 份子料理 for a long time so can’t give you any recommendations. Update me if you explore any good ones.
Pls tell me the restaurants in Victorville and Korean BBQ in Rowland Height (you mention on 1/29/16 )
I like to know the cold Korean Noodle you mention on 1/21/16 last Thursday
Hi Lydia
I have not even tried it yet. Let me know how it is!
Wasabi, love your show. Just a minor correction, “Omakase” is not 懷石 it more or less mean chef special. Kaiseki 才是懷石料理。
Hi Wasabi,
Please recommend any good dish from Bastia? I have booked a table on this Friday1/22.
Hi Mike
Oh I felt so bad that i did not see your message until now.
What did you order? My favorite dish are the uni pasta, the cold cut plate and the octopus appetizers.
I ordered Slow Roasted Lamb Neck, Cavatelli alla Vaccinera (pork sausage pasta), Maltagliati al Sugo di Anatra Affumicato (duck pasta), and Valrhona Fair Trade Bittersweet Chocolate Budino Tart (dessert). There were only two of us and we ate them all. We like all of them. I almost ordered octopus appetizer but I changed my mind. Next time I’ll ordered that. Thanks for your reply!
Wow you did ate a lot!! Next time you should try the mussels and clams, that’s really amazing too!
The chocolate budino tart is their most popular dessert, i love it too!
If you like pasta, you should try Macaroni Republic in DTLA, that’s my favorite pasta place especially their black and white pasta, I am sure you will like that.
Thank you so much for the correction!!! And I am glad you enjoyed the show!
Thank you Richard!
Hello Richard
This restaurant raise their price and it is $320 per person now (include tax and tips).
They just relocate to a different location, so please contact them for the most updated information. I also suggest to confirm the per person price before you make the reservation.
Do you have the cooker link @ you said yesterday?
Thank you for your information
Can you send me both Thai Restaurant address?
http://www.yelp.com/biz/pa-ord-noodle-los-angeles (The noodle place that opens till late)
http://www.yelp.com/biz/siam-sunset-los-angeles (The breakfast place with soy milk and Chinese donut)
Love ur talk show ! The Korean restaurant u talk about today, is it Gam Ja gol?
Ed, I don’t recall we talked about the Korean restaurant on Dec 25. We mentioned a pot restaurant in Walnut. http://www.yelp.com/biz/hjh-sauce-simmer-pot-walnut-3
Hi Wasabi!
A couple years ago I heard you talk on the radio about a recipe on beef tongue marinated with red wine. I was wondering if you still had the recipe and could share with me? Thanks!!!
Lisa, I believe that’s LeeKay’s recipe. Let me see if he can provide it.
Okay thanks you so much!