Andy 歡迎各位留言,給你最喜愛的DJ更多鼓勵和互動. KMRB 143007/21/2016, 1:15 am07/21/2017 11 6971 各位聽眾,歡迎在以下留言討論,和你最喜愛的1430DJ更多互動。 Previous Article歡迎各位留言,給你最喜愛的DJ更多鼓勵和互動.Next Article歡迎各位留言,給你最喜愛的DJ更多鼓勵和互動.
Hi, Andy, I have hard time to listen the live program through Is there any issue with that? Please advise. Thanks. Reply
Have you hear of AOL mail can not be used near future. my system doesn’t support Chinese writing. have to put it in English. Reply
Hi Andy: I have a spyware message that keeps popping up on my Mac. It says “helperamc. I read on google. People said that it keeps popping up from the Mac Cleaner. Any idea how to get rid of it. I am really concerned. Thanks. Reply
Hi Andy :
請問是否我的電腦有問題? 有什麼方法改好呢?多謝幫助!
Andy: 你好!我的iPhone 6 +現在是12.4.2 ,請問可以update到多少。
Hi, Andy, I have hard time to listen the live program through Is there any issue with that? Please advise. Thanks.
Hallo! 我而家住喺德國
喺呢個網同alexa 度都播5到
Have you hear of AOL mail can not be used near future. my system doesn’t support Chinese writing. have to put it in English.
Andy: 請問電腦中了毒, 做以下那些事,會將病毒帶到另外電腦去 :
電郵或複製微軟公文。 用同一個屏幕。 下載 youtube. 多謝指教.
Hi Andy: I have a spyware message that keeps popping up on my Mac. It says “helperamc. I read on google. People said that it keeps popping up from the Mac Cleaner. Any idea how to get rid of it. I am really concerned. Thanks.
Andy.你好,我购买了 iphonex.如果用无线充电器,买那一种较好呢?mophie和belkin这二种牌子好吗?谢谢
ANDY: 請問 Yahoo mail 和 Gmail 裡面文件儲存有沒有時間和容量限制? 是多少呢? 多謝解說!