• KMRB AM1430 粵語廣播電臺     

請注意4月份Pasadena 210高速公路關閉

如果行駛在Pasadena 210高速公路,請注意4月份間歇性關閉 的出入口處, 因重新裝修而關閉 將直至4月17日。該部門表示,從晚上7點起關閉,  到上午6點,關閉標誌將張貼。


The eastbound Arroyo Boulevard on-ramp

The on- and off-ramps for Lincoln Avenue, both eastbound and westbound

The on- and off-ramps for Mountain Street, both eastbound and westbound

The eastbound Marengo Avenue on-ramp

The westbound Marengo Avenue off-ramp

The westbound Windsor Avenue off-ramp

The westbound Walnut Street on-ramp


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