美寶 早晨LA節目告別啟示 美寶03/22/2020, 3:30 pm03/22/2020 9 5653 早晨LA告別各位親愛的聽眾朋友! 多謝您們一直以來的支持和愛戴。天下無不散之筵席,早晨LA節目將於三月廿三日正式停播。 祝願各位身體健康及祈望疫情盡快結束,生活回復正常! 多多保重! 早晨LA節目主持人 美寶 Previous Article古城巴伐利亚的维尔兹堡Next Article東京奧運是否延期 IOC四周內決定
The program between 2pm to 2:30PM about German people’s longevity has been replayed 3 times during the last 30 days. Why? Reply
I wish Andy can give a more detail cover about the virus infection in California, particular In Southern California. We all miss Mable’s leaving. Reply
我每天早上五點起床,第一時間就是扭開收音機聽美寶的早晨LA節目,和拜日早上聽到Susan 的"歲月留聲"節目,已經有十幾年了。最近早上聽不到美寶的聲音和早晨LA ,拜日又沒有歲月留聲",開始時心理總覺得有點失落和不習慣。但了解可能是目前疫情期間,節目被迫有所調整。但願在疫情改善或過去時,所有的節目會再正常地播放 Reply
Why did the show get anceled? Although we didn’t like most of her political point of view, nothing else to listen in the morning to wake us up!?!? Reply
最好連每日下午4點至7點嘅兩個節目都換埋主持人! 否則我估計好多華商廣告都會逐漸流失!!!
The program between 2pm to 2:30PM about German people’s longevity has been replayed 3 times during the last 30 days. Why?
I wish Andy can give a more detail cover about the virus infection in California, particular In Southern California.
We all miss Mable’s leaving.
我每天早上五點起床,第一時間就是扭開收音機聽美寶的早晨LA節目,和拜日早上聽到Susan 的"歲月留聲"節目,已經有十幾年了。最近早上聽不到美寶的聲音和早晨LA ,拜日又沒有歲月留聲",開始時心理總覺得有點失落和不習慣。但了解可能是目前疫情期間,節目被迫有所調整。但願在疫情改善或過去時,所有的節目會再正常地播放
Bring her back
好痛心我喜歡的節目都取消了!如美寶和楊 Sir 旅遊又去不到!
Why did the show get anceled? Although we didn’t like most of her political point of view, nothing else to listen in the morning to wake us up!?!?
為什麼呀 ? 美寶倍伴我多年起來準備上班, 謝謝您多年那麼早起, 每天如是不容易, 感謝您美寶 !