Starting on March 30th, Cal Poly Pomona will be offering a free 10-week online course titled “Introduction to Excel VBA Programming.” In the course students will learn computer programming using the Visual Basic for Applications language in Excel. No textbooks or prior knowledge of programming are required — students only need internet access and Microsoft Excel 2007 or later. Students who obtain a passing grade will receive a personalized certificate of completion from Cal Poly Pomona. More importantly, they will learn the fundamentals of Excel spreadsheets and computer programming, skills that can help prepare them for college and the workforce. The course is open to everyone in the world and appropriate for teachers, working professionals, high school students, and anyone else who is interested in programming. Feel free to pass this information along if you know someone that would benefit from this opportunity. Course and enrollment details can be found at the following website:
To sign up, you need to have an account, if you don’t already have one, create one, the enroll button is black print on a gray box, just under the picture of the Excel spreadsheet.