印加文明是美洲三大印第安文明之一。南美印加人大概在 900年前於秘魯安第斯山脈中的 Cuzco建都。然後在 1400年興起,佔據南美西南面大部分地方,建立繁盛富裕的印加王國。最後在 1532年被西班牙人侵略滅國,結束了短暫的帝國歷史。印加文明一直被視為人類歷史最有趣的研究之一,因為這是世上少數沒有文字的民族。很難想像在中國明朝時候,在地球另一面,有另一民族,還沒有文字,卻能建立龐大王國。雖然如此,我們卻絕不能以為他們落後,因為印加人的農業種植及建築技術,充滿智慧。以大石做成的神殿,打磨精準,無縫接駁,緊密得一張紙也插不入,這些絕妙工藝,我們可以在馬丘比丘看到,嘆為觀止。
印加人的老家在安第斯山脈,屬於山的民族。他們在山區種植,憑藉堅固的梯田及聰明的灌溉,利用微天氣變化,由山頂至山谷,種出種類繁多的農作物(單是馬鈴薯有幾千款),把食物收成最大化。有人類學家及其他學者這樣形容:印加人 rules the mountains。真正的印加文明,不在 Cuzco,不在馬丘比丘,其實在他們的發源地, Sacred Valley。這裏出產秘魯著名藜麥,粟米,馬鈴薯,各色蔬菜水果,數量豐富,品種又多。因為有源源不絕的食物供應,印加王才無後顧之憂,可以南征北討,建立印加王朝。祕魯食物的賣點,是他們的 biodiversity,材料豐富,很多還是世上獨有。

Previous ArticleGreen Monday
Hello Wayne,
I’ve left a message before and I’m shock that it was deleted? Are you guy censoring message and only the one you like that will get posted? That’s kind of communism like in the free land and speech of USA, are you agree with that? Hahaha…..
Anyway back to the topic… I’m kind of enjoying the recent 一種關注 broadcasting, you and 思慧 are wonderful with all those interesting information about the Yellowstone National Park, eventhough I’ve been there several years ago, it refreshes my memory.
Another section 一種關注 that worth praises is the talking of Sequoia National Park, it’s right in America, not something several thousand miles away, and all related to us as American that we have such a splendid tree specie.
Both 思慧 and KY are wonderful substitute DJ that makes the broadcasting worth listening to. Unlike some under-par DJ substitute like 盧穎, she’s so opinionated and full of passive emotion, spreading negative buoyancy.
I also hope that 一種關注 can be more focus (關注) on American issues in the future like marijuana legalization, how it’s effect on the society etc., or the gun control and the NRA etc. Those are all American issues, not those far far away from.
Lastly keep up the good work!
Thank you Keith for listening our show. I think I saw your message and replied to it as well. However our website was under re-construction recently, I guess in some cases that some messages might disappear in space. I apologized for this. No worry I got your advise which are very important to us, and we will try to make our show better.
一種關注: 主持人經緯你好! 本人居住在洛杉磯已婚有兩個女,和80歲的媽媽同住,近日來突然生活興趣大改變,懷疑自己已經幻上憂鬱症,好擔心, 不知怎樣去求醫, 近日才聽到你的節目裡有邀請過 Lavina 在你的節目分享到她個人的經歷,好想以他通話希望得到多些資訊怎樣去求醫,你可否代轉高 Lavina 希望我能夠得到她幫助,向她多些了解憂鬱症怎樣開始去求醫.
Thank you!
JJ your message had been forwarded to Lavina and she would contact you. Hang in there my friend!
Thank you so much for your help!!
「一種關注」兩位主持人你們好,本人很喜歡聽你們的新節目,內容豐富令聽眾獲益良多,加上你們兩位拍檔閱歷豐富與非常合拍的默契,對答和藹可親,令每集節目有如溫馨小品。美中不足是網上重溫只可以重聽五日的節目,上星期你們提到曾經講過陳香梅女士,很可惜我錯過了,不知你們可否考慮在YouTube上載「一種關注」,讓廣大聽眾可以收聽你們貴台精彩的節目(三藩市的中文電台也有個YouTube Channel),多謝你們 🙂
多謝支持。 我們會儘快完善網上重聽服務,希望能滿足聽眾們的需要。
1984年梁朝偉,劉嘉玲有部電視劇叫「再版人」是講「複製人」的故事,正版梁朝偉被父親撫養,翻版的「複製人」被不知情的母親撫養。正版的犯了強姦罪,複製人梁朝偉反而好人無辜被遞捕。「阿拉丁」歌舞劇一直在洛杉磯廸士尼樂園內的劇院有表演,家父家母在2001年間已看過,我在2012年間在廸士尼樂園內的歌劇院看,全場爆滿,歌劇節奏緊湊,沒有冷場,觀衆不停爆出笑聲,掌聲雷動,歌舞超卓,值回票價,但飛氊是用鋼攬吊起的,在頭頂飛來飛去,歌聲飛揚,音色悅耳優美,充滿情感,劇中的「燈神」的確搶去不少「阿拉丁和公主」的戲,燈神的重要性不下於兩位主角。但不知這組歌劇團是不是你們看的那班百老匯歌劇團?( 劇中有坐輪椅的演員參加演出 )
Hello 經瑋, Can you tell me the name of the Resort that KY went in Cancun? We were planning to go to Cancun this May. It will be very helpful if you can provide me the information. Thank you.
1.Hotel Xcaret Mexico
2.Occidental at Xcaret
3.Moon Palace
4. Hyatt Ziva Cancun