• KMRB AM1430 粵語廣播電臺     

如果您的手機是iPhone,BlackBerry 或 Droid,或者您有iPad,現在您可以在任何時間及世界任何有數碼覆蓋的角落收聽到我們的中文廣播。步驟很簡單,只需從app store免費下載安裝Radio Chinese Plus app 就可以免費收聽到6個高清晰數碼播出的中文頻道*。記住:沒有安裝費,沒有月費!Radio Chinese Plus 目前有4個洛杉磯和紐約的中文頻道(洛杉磯AM1300, AM1430;紐約AM1380, AM1480)以及2個全天中文音樂頻道。

告訴您在海外的家人和朋友,讓他們一起享受免費的6個中文頻道。記住Radio Chinese Plus這個免費的app。無論是 iPhone,iPad,BlackBerry 或是 Droid都可以免費下載安裝。





  • 華語廣播 iPhone或 iPad手提流動版下載指南:
  1. 請到 www.apple.com/itunes下載及安裝 iTunes10。
  2. 安裝後開啟iTunes10,在左面選擇單上點擊 iTunes Store(首次用戶必須點擊 Sign In登記) 。
  3. 在搜尋項裏輸入 Chinese radio plus。
  4. 然後可選擇適合版本下載


  1. 用 iTunes將下載完畢的 Radio Chinese Plus application 安裝入 iPhone 或 iPad 即可使用。

Blackberry 下載指南:

  • 進入blackberry app world。
  • 打字搜尋: Radio Chinese Plus。
  • 點選Radio Chinese Plus 並下載。
  • 點擊:run即可。
  • Android 手機 (htc/google phone)


Droid手機 (Motorola)

  1. 進入/輕按market標誌。
  2. 選擇apps,或輕按放大鏡標誌。
  3. 打字搜尋Radio Chinese Plus。
  4. 下載(download)之後,按 run 即可收聽。


步驟與上面Android 相同。


  • 通過汽車内喇叭收聽


新型的汽車内多裝有Auxiliary 插口。您可以將電話和汽車通過Auxiliary 綫連接起來,即可通過汽車的喇叭收聽中文電臺。





  1. Hello, I have been an active listener during the midnight hour to listen to great music undiscovered to me. Due to these encounters, I have learned much music from greats artists. I want to know if it is possible to view a list of the songs currently playing or played to view? It would help out very much when looking for albums for purchase. Thanks.

  2. Would like to share my opinion regarding OTA reception of AM1430. Lately, the reception of AM1430 during the early afternoon on Colima Road between Azusa Road and Fullerton Road in Rowland Heights is so terrible that the signal is overcome with plenty of interference. Also along Halliburton Road between S Hacienda Blvd and Colima Road experience the same. Wonder the quality control team of AM1430 realize this problem or not.

    While AM900 relay AM1430 during early 2017, the OTA reception is excellent in these area but don’t know why all in a sudden the service of AM900 switched to AM1300 while AM1300 already have another frequency of AM1600 broadcasting in Mandarin language. This switch is eliminated plenty of Cantonese listener to listen the AM1430.

    Would appreciated your station take some action on the above as your earliest.

    Thanks very much.

  3. Hi Amy,

    Thank you for your support to AM1430. Our replay programs are available at replay section and they are arranged by the sequence of number. Kindly roll down the replay list and you can see the Jan 2018 programs available for replay.

    With thanks,
    Customer Services

    1. This is a nice improvement. Thank you very much. If I missed few programs and wanted to listen to them in order, now it is much easier. Thanks!

  4. The iphone apps to listen to am1430 has not been working for a week.
    I even tried uninstall/reinstall the apps. Is there a problem with the streaming server?

  5. I had been using the app to listen to 1430 and It had been a few days that only 1430 does not work. Are you in process of fixing it?

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